The Sky Is The Limit!

What kind of life would we live if we would let go of ideas we have about ourselves, listen to our inner voice and follow it? Is in that case only the sky is the limit? Would we get what we always dreamed getting since we do not limit ourselves and would the universe support us in what we try to achieve?

It would. Being inspired is the universe telling us what we must do. If we decide to go along we have all the support we need because we do what we came here to do.

That reminds me on the “The Power Of Myth” an all together six-hour interview that mythologist Joseph Campbell gave journalist Bill Moyers during the two years before his death in 1988. Joseph Campbell said, ”When you follow your bliss, the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”

When we do what we love to do doors will be where there were no doors before and they will open. But we also have to be willing to go through those doors and sometimes we don’t because we have a certain idea about what we want or who we are. By doing so we are of course already ahead of people who would not dare to follow their bliss to begin with.

There is often talk about changing the world, about making a difference. But how can we do that? Send some money? Be there to support others emotionally? How about if each and every one of us takes a moment to sit down and think about what we really want to do and then starts doing that? We would find happiness, have the support of the universe in what we are doing and inspire others to do the same by living a beautiful life. Would that start to change the world? I bet you it would.

What are you inspired to do?





“The Sky Is The Limit!” Manhattan/New York City/Ground Zero 03-08-08 at 01:46 PM.


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